Livros: The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials #3)

Com este livro, Philip Pullman fecha com chave de ouro a sua melhor trilogia. Autor: Philip PullmanSinopse: Will is the bearer of the knife. Now, accompanied by angels, his task is to deliver that powerful, dangerous weapon to Lord Asriel – by the command of is dying father. But how can he go looking for Lord Asriel when Lyra is gone? Only with her help can he fathom the myriad plots and and intrigues that beset him. The two great powers of the many worlds are lining up for war, and Will must find Lyra, for together they are on […]

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Livros: The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials #2)

O segundo livro da trilogia His Dark Materials não deixou nada a dever ao primeiro! Autor: Philip Pullman Sinopse: Will is twelve years old and he’s just killed a man. Now he’s on his own, on the run, determined to discover the truth about his father disappearance.Then Will steps through a window in the air into another world, and finds himself with a companion – a strange, savage little girl called Lyra. Like Will, she has a mission which she intends to carry out at all costs.But the world of Cittàgazze is a strange and unsettling place. Deadly, soul-eating Spectres […]

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Livros: Northern Light (His Dark Materials #1)

Andei de olho nesta trilogia durante mais de um ano. Autor: Philip Pullman Resumo: When Lyra’s friend Roger disappears, she and her dæmon, Pantalaimon, determine to find him. The ensuing quest leads them to the bleak splendour of the North, where armoured bears rule the ice and witch-queens fly through the frozen skies – and where a team of scientists is conducting experiments too horrible to be spoken about.Lyra overcomes these strange terrors, only to find something yet more perilous waiting for her – something with consequences which may even reach beyond the Northern Lights… Link do Goodreads Confesso que […]

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