Livros: Death is a lonely business

Encontrei este livro numa loja de livros de segunda mão, como estava interessado no trabalho deste autor, decidi levá-lo para casa. Autor: Ray Bradbury Sinopse: The image of drowned circus cages in the trash-filled canals of Venice, California, both haunts and illuminates famed fantasy and science fiction author Ray Bradbury’s rare venture into the mystery field. Like filmmaker Federico Fellini, Bradbury is fascinated by the seedy splendor of cheap carnivals and circuses–“a long time before, in the early Twenties, these cages had probably rolled by like bright summer storms with animals prowling them, lions opening their mouths to exhale hot […]

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Livros: Fahrenheit 451

Aqui está um livro que já andava há muito tempo para ler. Autor: Ray Bradbury Texto da contra-capa: Guy Montag was a fireman whose job it was to start fires… The system was simple. Everyone understood it. Books were for burning… along with the houses in which they were hidden. Guy Montag enjoyed his job. He had been a fireman for ten years, and he had never questioned the pleasure of the midnight runs nor the joy of watching pages consumed by flames … never questioned anything until he met a seventeen-year-old girl who told him of a past when […]

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